
ESG is now, are you on it?

Written by charlie8180 | May 24, 2024 8:55:01 AM


#ESG, or environmental, social, and governance, has become a really hot topic in recent years. Investors, consumers, and businesses are all increasingly demanding that companies take ESG factors into account.


There are a number of reasons for this. First, the world is facing a number of environmental challenges, such as climate change, that need to be addressed urgently. Second, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of social issues such as inequality and human rights. Third, there is a growing body of research that shows that ESG-focused companies tend to outperform their peers in the long run.

As a result of these factors, ESG is becoming increasingly mainstream. More and more companies are publishing ESG reports, and investors are increasingly using ESG criteria to make investment decisions.

But are we really "with" ESG? Or are we just paying lip service to it?

There is still some way to go before ESG becomes truly mainstream. Many companies are still struggling to integrate ESG into their business practices. And there is still a lack of standardisation in ESG reporting, which makes it difficult to compare companies. 

However, there is a clear trend towards greater ESG awareness and adoption. And as the world's environmental and social challenges become more pressing, ESG is likely to become even more important in the years to come.

Here are some of the benefits of ESG: 

  • Reduced #risk: ESG-focused companies tend to be more resilient to shocks and stresses, such as changes in the regulatory environment or economic downturns.

  • Increased #profitability: ESG-focused companies tend to be more profitable in the long run.

  • Improved #reputation: ESG-focused companies have a better reputation with investors, consumers, and employees.

  • Attract and retain #talent: ESG-focused companies are able to attract and retain top talent. 

Here are some of the challenges of ESG:

  • Lack of #standardisation: There is still a lack of standardisation in ESG reporting, which makes it difficult to compare companies.

  • #Cost: ESG can, if not implemented carefully, be costly for companies.

  • Managing risk: ESG can also introduce new risks for companies, such as reputational risk.

Overall, ESG is a growing trend that is likely to become even more important in the years to come. #Companies that are able to integrate ESG into their business practices will be well-positioned for success in the long run.

If you would like help with your ESG strategy, or any aspect of sustainability please get in touch.