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Why should ESG matter to Small and Medium sized businesses?


Written by charlie8180

#ESG stands for #environmental, #social, and #governance. It is a set of criteria used to evaluate a company's #sustainability and #ethical impact. ESG factors are becoming increasingly important to #investors, #customers, and other #stakeholders.
Small and medium-sized businesses (#SMEs) can benefit from incorporating ESG into their #operations in a number of ways. For example, ESG can help SMEs to:

  • Reduce costs: By adopting more sustainable practices, SMEs can reduce their energy costs, waste disposal costs, and insurance premiums.

  • Improve efficiency: By improving their environmental and social performance, SMEs can improve their efficiency and productivity.

  • Attract and retain #customers: Customers are increasingly demanding that businesses operate in an environmentally and socially responsible way. By incorporating ESG into their operations, SMEs can attract and retain customers who are looking for businesses that share their values.

  • Access #capital: ESG-friendly businesses are more likely to be able to access capital from investors who are looking to invest in businesses that are making a positive impact on the world.

There are a number of ways that SMEs can incorporate ESG into their operations. Some of the most common ways include: 

  • Setting sustainability goals: SMEs can set sustainability goals for themselves, such as reducing their carbon emissions or increasing their use of renewable energy.

  • #Reporting on ESG performance: SMEs can report on their ESG performance to their stakeholders, such as investors, customers, and employees.

  • Adopting sustainable practices: SMEs can adopt sustainable practices, such as using recycled materials, reducing energy consumption, and promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

#Integrating ESG into their operations can be a challenge for SMEs. However, there are a number of resources available to help SMEs get started. Some of the most helpful resources include:

  • The Global Reporting Initiative (#GRI): The GRI provides a set of guidelines for businesses to report on their ESG performance.

  • The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (#SASB): The SASB provides industry-specific standards for businesses to report on their ESG performance.

  • The Carbon Disclosure Project (#CDP): The CDP is a nonprofit organization that helps companies measure, disclose, and manage their environmental impact. 

By incorporating ESG into their operations, SMEs can improve their bottom line, attract and retain customers, and access capital. In today's increasingly #sustainable and ethical world, ESG is no longer just a nice-to-have, it is a business imperative.
Here are some specific examples of how SMEs are incorporating ESG into their operations:

  • A coffee shop that uses recycled cups and compostable straws.

  • A clothing store that sources its products from ethical manufacturers.

  • A #software #company that offers its employees additional paid parental leave.

These are just a few examples of how SMEs can incorporate ESG into their operations. By making small changes, SMEs can make a big impact on the environment and society.

If you are an SME and wondering how to get started with ESG, please get in touch. transformacy will be able to help.